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Author: Duane Furlong

Headshot vs Portrait: A Detailed Guide

The major difference between a headshot and a portrait is that a headshot can be a portrait, but a portrait cannot be a headshot. Simply put, a headshot focuses on your face, neck, and shoulder while a portrait can cover your whole body or ¾ of it. Here are details of how the two concepts are similar to or different from each other.


When taking a portrait image you have the entire body (or at least ¾ of it) to create the mood and the feel of your image. On the other hand, when taking a headshot, you mostly have only your face to communicate. So how do you take a perfect headshot?

Do not be misled, a serious face will not mean that you are a serious business person or worker. Have you seen those people whose headshots are so serious they almost seem like a cover for a funeral services advert? Subconsciously, people like working, doing business, or even dating a happy person. It would therefore be a good thing to flash that smile, right?

While taking a headshot, it is okay to look at the camera. However, moving your face slightly (less than an inch should do) can have a great effect on your image. Don’t stare at the camera with blank eyes, instead communicate that you are a confident, and fun person to work with or even date.

To avoid making your image to come out all tensed, relax, and breathe.


Lighting for both portrait images and headshots can be used for a lot of effects. With portrait images, you have a lot of space to play with lighting. You can, for example, use light to create different colors on your final image.

On the other hand, lighting a headshot, especially for business purposes, should be used to enhance a friendly, dependable feel to them. As such, it should be soft, even lighting that leaves minimal shadows on the final image.

If you would like to hide a double chin or to create a focus on your jaw, you should have the light source raised a few inches above your head. You can also use a kicker light to highlight your image. Moreover, you should ensure that your entire face is well lit.


When taking a portrait photo, you have a variety of backgrounds to choose from. You can choose to take your photo in a field of flowers and it will still look good and functional. The space and purpose of the headshot may, however, restrict the kind of background that you will use. You, of course, wouldn’t want those flowers taking away the viewer’s attention from your face, would you?

Headshot backgrounds should be simple and mostly single-colored. Light grey and white backgrounds are more preferred given their ability to speak professionally. It is also easy to integrate white and grey with your brand colors.

Another thing to take care of is the need to edit the background. Plain backgrounds are easy to enlarge without showing the stretch or giving you a lot of work on the photo editor.

Business & Corporate Headshots

Business headshots are a little different from headshots that you take for your social media or dating apps and websites. It is also worth noting that social media platforms like LinkedIn fall under the category of business headshots. So what should your business or corporate headshots look like?

First, and pretty obvious, your attire should speak a lot about your profession. If you are a business leader, a business suit should be your preferred attire. Professionals like lawyers, doctors, or scholars can wear clothes that match their professions. Still, on the attire, avoid wearing tops that have writings on them.

Business and corporate headshots should have very minimal enhancement. It is okay to remove a pimple here and another blemish there, but that’s just it. On the same breath, wear makeup like you would when going to the office and do not overdo it. Glasses are okay to wear, but you should only wear them if you normally wear them and people are used to seeing you in them.  People would not be very willing to do business with you if the first thing you lie about is who you are.

Treat Headshots Like a Branding Tool

As you lay your personal or corporate brand strategy, you should consider the image that people associate with you. Ensure that the colors present in your headshot are related to your business or profession.

Would you like to have your headshots taken in a way that will sell your image? Duane Furlong Studios will take your headshots in a patient, professional manner.


Commercial VS Theatrical Headshots (Explained)


When it comes to the acting industry, there are two types of headshots: commercial and theatrical. But you may wonder why anyone would need two headshots and any differences between these types of headshots. Casting directors look for something specific in a headshot depending on their role for the role player. Here are the main differences between commercial and theatrical headshots.

Commercial headshots

These headshots appeal to the advertising industry since their main aim is to promote a product to a particular demographic group. When considering commercial headshot, you should put into account the demographic group you want to appeal to in the ad. The photographer has the task of capturing a personality that people in the targeted demography can relate.

Smile vs. No Smile

Commercial headshots require, for the most part, a smiling face. You will be smiling into the camera a lot when posing for this type of shot. This is because the advert needs to ooze warmth and charisma to connect with the audience, keeping in mind that your image has only a few seconds to achieve the feat. Your photographer needs to capture you in your best natural element, not when you have a plastic smile across your face.


Your commercial headshot must portray you as likable and relatable. To achieve this feat, you need to don warm and bright attire. We are talking about color that pops, jewelry that attracts attention but doesn’t overshadow you. For this reason, avoid dark colors, such as blacks and grays, since they tend to sap the warmth and energy out of your shot. What if you have only dark clothing? No pressure: pose before a bright background.

Theatrical Headshots

If you are going to feature in films, plays, and TV shows, theatrical headshots would be your thing. Theatrical headshots bring out the layers of an actor’s personality, bringing out a little more emotional background than a commercial headshot. To bring out the character assigned to you, the theatrical headshot does a great job of laying your personality bare so that the audience can understand your actions. This is quite unlike in commercial headshots, which depict you as trustworthy so the product can sell. Theatrical headshots represent personality according to the role played in the film or TV show.

Serious vs. No Smile

Theatrical headshots require a confident expression without necessarily smiling. However, the facial display depends on the character you want to portray. It could be a vulnerability behind the eyes, or a knowing smirk, may be all you need to showcase your personality in the play. Although not all the shots need to be severe and stoic, they are more grounded than commercial headshots.


Before you pose for theatrical headshots, you need to consider the colors of your clothes. Unlike commercial headshots that require brighter shades, theatrical headshots need moodier, darker colors. Depending on the character you want to depict, select your wardrobe to cut a stronger impression than commercial headshots.

No photographer is either commercial or theatrical – it is how you pose before them. Put on light colors, and complement them with a smile on your face, and the shot becomes a commercial headshot.  Change to darker colors and a serious demeanor, and everything switches to a theatrical headshot.

Schedule a Session With Duane

But some photographers may have a particular style. If you are not sure whether they are commercial or theatrical, you may want to go through their portfolio to see the images they produce. If you are looking for a photographer who understands the two types of shots, look no further than us. Please contact us for more details if you need a professional photographer for commercial and theatrical headshots.


Good Headshots vs. Bad Headshots (Explained)


If you are a business or acting professional, you’ve likely heard that you need a headshot to build your brand — which is absolutely true! However, bad headshots can cause a lot more harm than good in your career. So the question must be asked:

What Makes a Good Headshot?

Here at Duane Furlong Studios, we have taken our fair share of headshots, and have come up with a few things we’ve noticed help your headshot stand out, in a good way:

Headshot is Well-lit

While it seems like a simple statement, good lighting is incredibly important when it comes to headshots. You want to put your best foot forward, and people need to be able to see you. Poor or intentionally dramatic lighting can distort facial features and prevent the employer or client from recognizing you in your headshot – you need something that will help them remember you and your personality.

Headshot Has You as the Focal Point

The whole point of a headshot is to help an employer (in the business or the entertainment world) see you. Distractingly busy backgrounds, clothes, or hair-dos will not only draw the attention of the employer, but it will make them have to work harder to focus on you. Opt for solid tops and solid backgrounds, in colors that will make your face stand out in the picture. You want to make their job as easy as possible by putting your face as the complete focal point of the photo, with nothing to pull the eye away.

Headshot Gives a Taste of Your Personality

All that being said, you don’t have to make your headshot completely void of personality – in fact, it should help the employer or client understand you a little bit more as a person. If you like bright colors, by all means opt for a brighter background or shirt for a bright pop of color. If you like to smile, smile. If you want to display a more serious, professional, business-like side of you, opt for more muted colors and perhaps a more serious expression.

However, a good headshot will not advertise you as something you are not. Stay true to your personality and let that shine through your headshots.

Headshot Looks Like You

All of the previous points are important, but none more than this: a good headshot looks like you. It looks like you on an above-average day, but it still looks like you. Excessive Photoshop edits, makeup, or hairstyles that aren’t natural or usual for you, elaborate clothing that you would never wear – they all will do nothing but to confuse your potential employer or client when you sit in front of them and hand them a headshot (or they find it on your website or social media) that looks nothing like you. Every time you go through a hairstyle or bodily change, you need to take new headshots to make sure that you are giving the people with whom you interact a picture that is up to date.

Additionally, many employers use your headshot to remind themselves of your interview (or performance, if you are auditioning) when making decisions on who to hire. They need to be able to match your face to the interview they went through, and if your headshot looks nothing like you, they are going to have a difficult job remembering who you are.

Talk With The Experts

All this being said, it is incredibly important for business professionals and actors to have quality, up-to-date headshots to bring to interviews and auditions. If your headshots are needing a refresh, contact us to book an individual or group session today!


Tips for natural makeup for headshots


Tips For Natural Looking Makeup In Professional Headshots


When looking at what to wear for your Scottsdale headshots, try to wear a color that goes with your skin tone. There are people from every season, meaning summer, winter, spring, and fall colors are in the color palate. Many times someone is one season. If you have cool or warm undertones, this will help you determine which season you are. With a proper photographer, you should be able to wear whatever color you’d like. Bright colors, black or white, if they understand how lighting works, they will be able to pull off bright colors and otherwise.

1- Pre-Shoot Moisturizer

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!  Hydrated skin looks great on the camera when getting headshots taken.  However, many men don’t know about this routine.  This is pretty common for women but men might not have their own lotions, so share ladies. Also, drink plenty of water so that your skin is good and hydrated and looks its best on camera


2-Finding your Makeup Artist (MUA)

While there are LOTS of people out there that love to do makeup and apply makeup.  It takes a little more than that to be a makeup artist.  Ensure that your makeup artists know and understand what a natural look might be.  Be sure to ask them questions about the experience.  Remind them that you want a natural look.  Most makeup artists typically want to apply too much makeup to give you that natural look.  When getting your make-up ready you want someone that is used to the camera.  As this is different than in person, the camera can pull out flaws and such that an experienced makeup artist would catch.  Hygiene is important – so ensure they’re using clean/new products and application techniques!


Also, setting up a trial run for your choice in makeup artists is a good idea.  You might not be able to do the whole professional shoot, but if you get one chance, this is a great way to see what they can do for you.


3-Skin Types and Foundations

Every skin type looks better with certain types of foundations. However, most people use liquid foundation as it goes on very flawlessly for most.  Some use powder, but be careful as you want your skin to be hydrated on photo day.



While we all have them, we thought it was worth the mention in our tips for natural makeup for the headshots because eyebrows can be tricky.  Some of us were blessed in this department and others, more often, were not.  Get those brows looking their best with a little help. This could mean going to an aesthetician to get them tweezed and shaped or buying an eyebrow pencil to fill them in.

5-Get those lips on point.

Your lips should be left as natural as possible.  This means lip balm for men and lip gloss for the ladies.  However, there are some things that you shouldn’t do when preparing for natural makeup.  You should not use a lip liner or extend the pigment past the edge of your lips, this will show up and look horrible on camera.  Overlining your lips may work in your day to day – but let’s keep it simple for your headshots.


6-Last but not least your eyes.

When looking for tips for natural makeup for headshots, we certainly cannot forget out the eyes.  Your eyes are super important for a good headshot. You want them to pop and sparkle but have that natural look all at the same time.  Try to go with your natural lashes, as fake lashes will look, well, fake.  Use nude tone eyeshadow and stay away from brilliant colors.  You can go crazy if that’s part of your personal branding – but a professional headshot should use makeup to enhance, but not overwhelm your own features.


We hope that you have enjoyed our tips for natural makeup for headshots. And if you need headshots in Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, or any surrounding areas please give us a call!




What to wear for headshots


Wondering What To Wear For Your Headshots?


Are you asking yourself what to wear for headshots? Do you have a photoshoot coming up and not quite sure what to do? If you are looking to get some professional headshots taken and want those to come out looking amazing then stick around. Do your homework on what to wear for your headshots, and hire a professional photographer near you to get the very best, they can help advise you on what to wear. After all, regular people are not photographers, and are not always sure what will look professional and yet good with your personality. Below we’ve offered some helpful advice when it comes to choosing the perfect headshot outfit.

Don’t Wear Pale Colors

If you want your headshot to stand out, don’t wear white or any other pale shades, such as sky blue, pink, light green, pale yellow other light colors.  You don’t want these pale colors to draw attention away from your face. Even worse, light colors can cause your skin to appear paler than it actually is.

It’s even more critical to stay away from pale colors when doing outdoor headshots. On the other hand, if you insist on white or a pale color, wear a dark layer, such as a jacket, over the light color.

Use The Right Color Combination

If you’re using more than one color, be sure you have the right color combinations. It’s best to have simple color combinations since intense ones can cause distraction. Also, be sure that your color combinations are pieces with solid colors that are to be layered over each other. In other words, don’t wear patterned tops.

Some of the best color combinations that work well include those, such as:

  • Blue with dark or pale green, dark red and white.
  • Green with dark green, dark purple, dark blue and even black
  • Yellow with black, red, dark or light blue
  • Pink with blue, gray, red and black

Choose Solids Over Patterned Garments

Try to keep it as simple as possible, when it comes to choosing the style and design of your garments. Just think about how patterns seem to draw the focus of your headshot away from your face, which can defeat the purpose of the photo. If you still want to include a pattern, avoid particular patterns, such as plaids and big checks because they can draw attention to themselves in a big way.

What’s more, stay away from garments with small patterns, such as tiny stripes and checks. Tiny patterns can also be distracting. This is because of the manner in which pixels work on the camera, which can cause a condition known as a moire to appear on the image.

When the day arrived to have your headshots, bring along a few different options. This will allow the photographer to help you decide what would look best. Remember, your headshot is important for your brand. You want it to represent you and your brand. Dress in what you are comfortable in but also what your clients and customers would expect to see you.

Dressing Properly For Headshots

Wear what you love. Don’t wear something that someone told you would look great. Wear something you know looks great. This will come off in your emotions on film.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.6.5″ global_colors_info=”{}”]Keep it simple. This may sound easy, but don’t put on too much jewelry or wear any logos that are distracting, if you are not taking headshots for your brand. Be sure that you have as little as possible distracting the viewer from your face, this is, after all, a headshot.

Determine The Style For Your Photoshoot

Take the headshot in clothing that matches what you plan to do with it. Some like them to look extra professional while others want a more fun look. To determine what to wear for headshots, it really depends on what you are using the headshot for. For example, actors might use the headshots as a part of the portfolio. Commercial actors like to keep it a little more fun and light. However, actors that are looking to get roles, might look at adding some professional-looking photos as well to their portfolio. If you are an actor looking for headshots, remember, this is a part of your brand.

For men’s headshots, wearing something that fits you properly and isn’t bulky can make the shot look far more professional. And, for women’s basically the same, pick something that fits your curves properly, as your shoulders will look cleaner and the image of your face will stand out.

We hope that you have enjoyed your tips on what to wear for headshots. And if you need headshots near you in Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, or any surrounding areas please give us a call!




Professional Headshots: What You’re Really Paying For


What you are really paying for in a professional headshot


Professional headshots might seem a little expensive, but it’s an investment you shouldn’t overlook. Your face is the center of your personal brand, and it’s super important that your memorable personality is poised to shine through.

Can you take a decent selfie with your iPhone?


Can you befriend an amateur photographer with a camera?

Yeah, sure.

Will a DIY headshot help you land the role, get the job, or match with the right person?



Common Misconceptions about headshots

As a professional headshot photographer, it’s a common misconception that only C-suite executives, models, actors, and public speakers need my services. No matter where you are in your career, you deserve to invest in your image.

DIY images are a decent placeholder, but not a long-term solution. We’ve all heard the phrase, ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have.’ Your headshot should be just as forward-thinking!

Let’s discuss the value of hiring a professional headshot photographer in Scottsdale – both what you’ll receive and what you’re investing in:


Headshot Studio Pricing

Most well-established, professional headshot photographers charge a studio fee for the session, and then you’re only required to pay for the images that you love. Make sure to choose a 5-star studio with transparent pricing. Define your personal brand with a handful of your favorite images. We recommend building a small portfolio of headshots to suit different opportunities.



The Value of a Professional Headshot Trusted Expert

With a long focal length lens and finely tuned lighting, I can reduce feature distortion and highlight your favorite features with crisp clarity. Taking your DIY selfie in front of a window may reduce awkward shadows, but our studio experience takes lighting to the next level


Expression Coaching

It’s hard to feel confident and photogenic in front of a camera – I completely understand. With a professional headshot photographer, you’ll also receive supportive, clear coaching to bring out your personality. No blank eyes or stiff smiles! Capture genuine expressions that are more flattering, memorable, and aligned with your professional goals.


Stress-Free Experience

Our headshot studio is a private space where you can feel comfortable and enjoy the process. Unlike a DIY image, you don’t have to worry about setup or re-dos. At Duane Furlong Studios, you can try on multiple outfits, test different backdrops, and see photo samples in real-time. There are no time limits, so you’re never rushed. Schedule online to reserve studio time and pay online. Easy!


Trust & Confidence

If you’re hiring staff headshots for all of your employees, we can help you present a polished, consistent brand image from end-to-end. As an individual, these professional images will stand out among a crowd of amateurs. Show that you’re serious, career-driven, and professional – all with a single glance.
A pro photographer will also make finishing touches with natural editing to make you look your very best. Instead of second-guessing and doubting your image, you’ll be able to post with confidence and get the job!
Is your amateur image holding you back? Click here to schedule your headshot session in Scottsdale, AZ with Duane Furlong Studios today.




How to choose the right colors for headshots


What Are The Best Colors To Wear For Scottsdale Professional Headshots?

Plan the perfect outfit (or three!) for your upcoming Scottsdale headshot photo session with a real-world understanding of color theory. All professional headshot bookings with Duane Furlong Studios, which is based in Scottsdale but handles the nearby Phoenix market, include unlimited wardrobe changes, so you can test a variety of different colors and find a look that you love. We are your number one choice for professional headshots in the Pheonix area when it comes to versatility.

Prioritize simple necklines and solid colors without busy patterns or visible logos. Then, narrow down your options with these three essential color questions:


What Looks Best On Me For My Headshots?

Confidence! Your professional headshot outfit is meant to uplift and represent you, so it’s important to wear something that you truly feel comfortable in. Prioritize authenticity and choose a color that you like, even if it technically breaks a few color theory rules.

With that in mind, you may want to choose colors that accentuate and highlight your natural features. If you have a warm complexion, you can bring out the copper or pink-tinged rosiness of your skin with off-white, olive green, red, or brown. Cobalt blue, charcoal grey, crisp white, and dark berry colors are perfect for cool complexions with blue undertones.


What Does The Color Convey In My Headshot?

Every color in the rainbow is linked to emotion and memories, whether they’re personal or universal. Your color choice will carry energy and meaning, so it’s important that the outfit matches what you want your headshot to convey.

  • Red Fiery and dominant with associated feelings of passion and intensity.
  • Orange One of red’s softer allies – orange has dynamic energy related to change.
  • Yellow Cheery, hopeful, and bright across the entire spectrum from pastel to vivid.
  • Green Promote stability and perseverance with a nod to nature and growth.
  • Blue More than just sadness – it instills freshness, trust, and authority.
  • Violet Purple signals luxury and romance with links to vibrant creativity.
  • White Convey safety, goodness, and innocence associated with opportunity.
  • Black The absence of color appears authoritative, powerful, and sophisticated.

Of course, most of our closets aren’t strictly sorted into rainbows and perfect neutrals. Color gradients like blue-purple and yellow-orange bridge the gap with emotional ambiguity. This list is just a starting point.

What Colors Look Best On Camera?

Talented headshot photographers near you can adjust lighting and exposure to enhance any outfit. You should never feel overshadowed by your wardrobe or color choice. However, it’s also important to consider how your top will look under studio lights and fit against the background. Get advice from behind the camera with these five pro tips:

  1. Avoid extreme, highly saturated colors that take attention away from you, like neon yellow and cherry red.
  2. Pastel colors and sheer fabrics may look more washed out or lose their subtle color in photos.
  3. Neutrals are always a great option, but super dark colors may get lost and blend into the dark backdrop behind you.
  4. Opposing colors look great in person, but it doesn’t always translate on camera for headshots. Layer your look with items on the same side of the color wheel. Navy pairs well with royal blue and ivory is the perfect neutral for pink.
  5. Deep colors and rich jewel tones always pop on camera. Plus, they look great on every skin tone.

Once you’ve settled on a specific color, it’s best to bring a few different variations. For example, if you want to wear purple, consider bringing light purple, lavender, and dark plum tops to your headshot session. With Duane Furlong Studios, it’s easy to get new headshots that convey the right image. Plan your outfit and find the perfect fit.



Highly Recommend! In the critical phase of a project with a deadline two days away we found ourselves receiving the news that our professional photos for a magazine write up did not meet the criteria to use for publishing. Trying to not face the inevitable that there would not be a professional photographer at the last hour to help us I begin searching the internet. I came across Duane Furlong Studios and noticed the 5 star reviews. I decided to contact him to see if there was any chance of scheduling in the next two days. Duane Furlong responded immediately, he listened to the project obstacle we had encountered and was willing to help. We had the photo shoot two days later and it went amazing! The C-level executive he was photographing is very impressed with the Studio and described it as a great experience. If you’re looking for professionalism, responsiveness, and excellent photography Duane Furlong Studios is the best!